Android View 的绘制流程之 Layout 和 Draw 过程详解 (二)

在上一篇 Android View 的测量流程详解,已经详细的分析了 DecorView 和其子 View 的测量过程,接下去就要开始讲  layout 和 draw 流程。下面开始进入分析:

DecorView Layout 阶段

在 ViewRootImpl 中,调用 performLayout 方法来确定 DecorView 在屏幕中的位置,下面看下具体的代码逻辑:

// ViewRootImpl
private void performLayout(WindowManager.LayoutParams lp, int desiredWindowWidth, int desiredWindowHeight) { mLayoutRequested = false; mScrollMayChange = true; mInLayout = true; final View host = mView; if (host == null) { return; } if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION || DEBUG_LAYOUT) { Log.v(mTag, "Laying out " + host + " to (" + host.getMeasuredWidth() + ", " + host.getMeasuredHeight() + ")"); } Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "layout"); try {
       // 根据测量结果进行绘制 host.layout(
0, 0, host.getMeasuredWidth(), host.getMeasuredHeight()); mInLayout = false; int numViewsRequestingLayout = mLayoutRequesters.size(); if (numViewsRequestingLayout > 0) { // requestLayout() was called during layout. // If no layout-request flags are set on the requesting views, there is no problem. // If some requests are still pending, then we need to clear those flags and do // a full request/measure/layout pass to handle this situation. ArrayList<View> validLayoutRequesters = getValidLayoutRequesters(mLayoutRequesters, false); if (validLayoutRequesters != null) { // Set this flag to indicate that any further requests are happening during // the second pass, which may result in posting those requests to the next // frame instead mHandlingLayoutInLayoutRequest = true; // Process fresh layout requests, then measure and layout int numValidRequests = validLayoutRequesters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numValidRequests; ++i) { final View view = validLayoutRequesters.get(i); Log.w("View", "requestLayout() improperly called by " + view + " during layout: running second layout pass"); view.requestLayout(); } measureHierarchy(host, lp, mView.getContext().getResources(), desiredWindowWidth, desiredWindowHeight); mInLayout = true; host.layout(0, 0, host.getMeasuredWidth(), host.getMeasuredHeight()); mHandlingLayoutInLayoutRequest = false; // Check the valid requests again, this time without checking/clearing the // layout flags, since requests happening during the second pass get noop'd validLayoutRequesters = getValidLayoutRequesters(mLayoutRequesters, true); if (validLayoutRequesters != null) { final ArrayList<View> finalRequesters = validLayoutRequesters; // Post second-pass requests to the next frame getRunQueue().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int numValidRequests = finalRequesters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numValidRequests; ++i) { final View view = finalRequesters.get(i); Log.w("View", "requestLayout() improperly called by " + view + " during second layout pass: posting in next frame"); view.requestLayout(); } } }); } } } } finally { Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } mInLayout = false; }

