LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。



1. 网格模型,三角鼠标追踪

LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。

Tracing MeshModels with mouse. Traced result is shown in an Annotation.


使用MouseTriangleTraced 事件. 鼠标将会显示离相机最近的三角形


IntersectionPointAxisValues: intersection point of triangle face, in axes values

ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinates: array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D model space coordinates

WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinates: array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D world space coordinates.

NearestCoordinateIndex: Index of nearest coordinate index of traced triangle, value of 0…2. Use the index to extract the coordinate from ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinates or WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinates array.


2. SeriesEventMarkers新样式,Y轴投影

除了常用样式外,SeriesEventMarker支持两个特殊的Symbol.Shape样式设置,实现垂直线与Y轴刻度投影,如图中的HollowYAxisHollowYAxisActive。它们具有1像素宽的垂直线,并且从Y轴 MajorTicksMinorTicks 中选取位置。如需调整刻度长度,请编辑YAxis.MajorDivTickStyle.LineLengthYAxis.MinorDivTickStyle.LineLength 属性。


特殊事件标记样式HollowYAxis 和HollowYAxisActive,便于制作每个系列数据游标。



3. XY线图颜色和样式事件改进


HasDataPointIndices: Only applicable in FreeformPointLineSeries.

DataPointIndices: Data point indices that were included in the coordinates and colors arrays. Note: chart will skip subsequent points in line construction, if their X and Y values or coordinates are equal. Using DataPointIndices info, you can e.g. pick a color for line point, from data point’s PointColor field or external color array.

LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。





4. 极地视图PointLineSeries中新添线样式及颜色事件中设有坐标和颜色操作事件CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping。它包含与XY图相似的数据点指数 (请参考第3小节).

LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。


CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event used to manipulate colors and coordinates of line.



5. 极坐标图轴增强


     反转角度比例,设置AngularReversed = True.反转幅度比例,设置AmplitudeReversed = True.

LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。

左边的比例没变,右边 AngularReversed = True and AmplitudeReversed = True. 




支持 AmplitudeAxisAngle转换幅度轴位置。幅度比例角度可以设置为精准的角度(AmpitudeAxisAngleType = Absolute), 或 (AmpitudeAxisAngleType = Relative).

LightningChart最新版 v.8.3 全新发布,新功能使用教程。

AngleOrigin = 30. AmplitudeAxisAngle = 90. On the left, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Absolute. On the right, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Relative:  Overall the amplitude scale rotates 120 degrees in this case.



