






2、LinkList template <typename T> class LinkList : public List<T> { protected: struct Node : public Object { T value; Node* next; }; Node m_header; int m_length; public: LinkList() {} };


template <typename T> class LinkList : public List<T> { protected: struct Node : public Object { T value; // 数据域 Node* next; // 指针域 }; mutable Node m_header; // 头结点,是不是弄成指针更方便点儿 int m_length; // 记录链表长度 public: LinkList() { m_header.next = NULL; m_length = 0; } // 链表末尾插入元素 bool insert(const T& e) { return insert(m_length, e); } // 指定位置插入元素 bool insert(int i, const T& e) { // 注意i的范围 bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<=m_length)); cout << "ret = " << ret << endl; if (ret) { Node* node = new Node(); if (node != NULL) { // current的目标指向其实都是目标位置的前一个,比如:在第0个位置增加元素,current指向的是header Node* current = &m_header; for(int p = 0; p < i; p++) { current = current->next; } node->value = e; node->next = current->next; current->next = node; m_length++; } else { cout << "THROW_EXCEPTION" << endl; THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to insert new element"); } } return ret; } // 删除指定位置元素 bool remove(int i) { // 注意i的范围 bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { Node* current = &m_header; for(int p = 0; p < i; p++) { current = current->next; } Node* toDel = current->next; current->next = toDel->next; delete toDel; m_length--; } return ret; } // 设定指定位置的元素 bool set(int i, const T& e) { // 注意i的范围 bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { Node* current = &m_header; for(int p = 0; p < i; p++) { current = current->next; } current->next->value = e; } return ret; } // get函数用起来不方便,重载一下 T get(int i) const { T ret; if (get(i, ret)) { return ret; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Invalid parameter i to get element..."); } } // 获取指定位置的元素 bool get(int i, T& e) const { bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { Node* current = &m_header; for(int p = 0; p < i; p++) { current = current->next; } e = current->next->value; // get是const成员函数,按理来说不能修改成员变量的值,Node* current=&m_header,会被误认为要更改成员变量的值,故报错 // 解决方案是对m_header加上mutable,开一个例外 } return ret; } int length() const { return m_length; } void clear() { // 释放每一个结点 while(m_header.next) { Node* toDel = m_header.next; m_header.next = toDel->next; delete toDel; } m_length = 0; } ~LinkList() { clear(); } };


创建m_header时,会调用T value,用泛指类型创建头结点的数据域,当泛指类型为用户自定义类型时,用用户自定义的类类型在库中创建对象,就有可能出错了,而且在外部看来,并没有用该类型创建对象,问题定位很麻烦。


// 直接创建头结点,存在隐患 mutable Node m_header; // 重新构造之后的头结点 mutable struct : public Object { char reserved[sizeof(T)]; // 没实际作用,占空间 Node* next; } m_header;


Node* ret = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header);


template <typename T> class LinkList : public List<T> { protected: struct Node : public Object { T value; // 数据域 Node* next; // 指针域 }; // 重新构造头结点 mutable struct : public Object { char reserved[sizeof(T)]; // 没实际作用,占空间 Node* next; } m_header; int m_length; // 记录链表长度 // 位置定位函数,重复使用,进行抽象,方便使用 Node* position(int i) const { Node* ret = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header); for(int p = 0; p < i; p++) { ret = ret->next; } return ret; } public: LinkList() { m_header.next = NULL; m_length = 0; } bool insert(const T& e) { return insert(m_length, e); } bool insert(int i, const T& e) { // 注意i的范围 bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<=m_length)); cout << "ret = " << ret << endl; if (ret) { Node* node = new Node(); if (node != NULL) { Node* current = position(i); node->value = e; node->next = current->next; current->next = node; m_length++; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to insert new element"); } } return ret; } bool remove(int i) { // 注意i的范围 bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { Node* current = position(i); Node* toDel = current->next; current->next = toDel->next; delete toDel; m_length--; } return ret; } bool set(int i, const T& e) { bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { position(i)->next->value = e; } return ret; } // get函数用起来不方便,重载一下 T get(int i) const { T ret; if (get(i, ret)) { return ret; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Invalid parameter i to get element..."); } } bool get(int i, T& e) const { bool ret = ((i>=0) && (i<m_length)); if (ret) { e = position(i)->next->value; } return ret; } int length() const { return m_length; } void clear() { // 释放每一个结点 while(m_header.next) { Node* toDel = m_header.next; m_header.next = toDel->next; delete toDel; } m_length = 0; } ~LinkList() { clear(); } };







