GameId - a unique game identifier - 比赛ID
PlayId - a unique play identifier -
Team - home or away - 主场还是客场
X - player position along the long axis of the field. See figure below. - 在球场的位置x
Y - player position along the short axis of the field. See figure below. - 在球场的位置y
S - speed in yards/second - 速度,码/秒
A - acceleration in yards/second^2
Dis - distance traveled from prior time point, in yards
Orientation - orientation of player (deg) 球员面向
Dir - angle of player motion (deg) 球员移动方向
NflId - a unique identifier of the player - NFL球员ID
DisplayName - player's name - 球员名
JerseyNumber - jersey number - 球衣号码
Season - year of the season
YardLine - the yard line of the line of scrimmage
Quarter - game quarter (1-5, 5 == overtime) - 当前是第几节比赛,5为加时
GameClock - time on the game clock - 比赛时间
PossessionTeam - team with possession - 持球方
Down - the down (1-4) - 达阵
Distance - yards needed for a first down - 距离拿首攻所需距离
FieldPosition - which side of the field the play is happening on
HomeScoreBeforePlay - home team score before play started - 赛前主队分数
VisitorScoreBeforePlay - visitor team score before play started - 赛前客队分数
NflIdRusher - the NflId of the rushing player
OffenseFormation - offense formation
OffensePersonnel - offensive team positional grouping
DefendersInTheBox - number of defenders lined up near the line of scrimmage, spanning the width of the offensive line
DefensePersonnel - defensive team positional grouping
PlayDirection - direction the play is headed
TimeHandoff - UTC time of the handoff - 传球时间
TimeSnap - UTC time of the snap - 发球时间
Yards - the yardage gained on the play (you are predicting this) - 目标
PlayerHeight - player height (ft-in) - 球员身高
PlayerWeight - player weight (lbs) - 球员体重
PlayerBirthDate - birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) - 生日、岁数
PlayerCollegeName - where the player attended college - 大学
Position - the player's position (the specific role on the field that they typically play) - 场上位置
HomeTeamAbbr - home team abbreviation - 主队缩写
VisitorTeamAbbr - visitor team abbreviation - 客队缩写
Week - week into the season
Stadium - stadium where the game is being played - 体育场
Location - city where the game is being player - 城市
StadiumType - description of the stadium environment - 体育场类型
Turf - description of the field surface - 草皮
GameWeather - description of the game weather - 比赛天气
Temperature - temperature (deg F) - 温度
Humidity - humidity - 湿度
WindSpeed - wind speed in miles/hour - 风速
WindDirection - wind direction - 风向
Evaluation FunctionContinuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS);
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