RFIDler - An open source Software Defined RFID Reader/Writer/Emulator



RFIDler - An open source Software Defined RFID Reader/Writer/Emulator

The Goal

To produce a tool for Low Frequency (125-134Khz) RFID research projects, as well as a cut-down (Lite) version that can be embedded into your own hardware projects. The fully featured version we hope to bring in for around £30.00, and the Lite version for under £20.00.


We have written extensive firmware which includes a user interface and an API to allow easy use of the system and to allow you to explore, read and emulate a wide range of low frequency RFID tags.

Utilise ANY modulation scheme, including bi-directional protocols

Write data to tag

Read data from tag

Emulate tag

Sniff conversations between external reader & tag

Provide raw as well as decoded data

Built-in antenna

External antenna connection

USB power and user interface

TTL interface

GPIO interface

JTAG interface for programming

USB Bootloader for easy firmware updating

External CLOCK interface if not using processor

External power connector if not using USB

The hardware gives you the capability to read/write/emulate more or less any LF tag, but we\'ve also taken the hard work out of most of them by implementing all the tag types we can find in the public domain. These include:

EM4102 / Unique

Hitag 1/2/S

FDX-B (ISO 11784/5 Animal Standard)





HID Prox

NXP PCF7931 

Texas Instruments




I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again: I don\'t understand how it works.

Not only that, but I don\'t want to understand, and I don\'t need to understand!

Well, that\'s not quite true - I need to understand enough to know which bits I don\'t need to understand, but then that\'s it! Stop! Enough already!!!

RFID is, as with a lot of these technologies, mysterious by nature.

It relies on strange physical phenomena like "induction" and "electro-magnetism" and "near-fields", etc.

Yes, what we Code Monkeys like to call "Magic Moonbeams".

It\'s all very nasty and analoguey. I don\'t like it. Give me the nice binary digital, please!

So in my never ending quest to find tools that convert the scary analogue world into a nice friendly digital one, RFID is clearly a prime candidate.

There are lots of RFID/NFC devices out there these days, and you\'ve probably got one or two in your pocket right now -

whether it\'s your car keys, alarm fob, door entry card, credit card, etc.

Of course, there are endless varieties of RFID readers to access them with,

but what I\'d like is something that reads them all, and meets my standard criteria: small and cheap.

To be fair, there are plenty of readers out there that seem to meet this criteria.  

You can buy a simple RFID USB reader for as little as 10-15 quid, but you\'ll find that it\'s of limited use as

it will almost certainly be dedicated to one \'standard\', and you\'d therefore need dozens of them to be able to read \'everything\'.

There are also tools like the Proxmark3 that are truly universal and can read pretty much anything, but, unfortunately, these are not cheap.

However, it is certainly worth looking at the PM3 as it really is quite an amazing bit of kit -

often described as the \'Swiss Army Knife of RFID\', it is versatile enough to read pretty much any tag in the standard LF/HF frequency ranges,

so will at least be useful in giving us an idea as to what we\'re up against... We\'ll be using it later to look at some specific examples.

So, going right to the beginning, what does an RFID tag actually do?

Well, it depends. There are basically two functions, and the rest is \'details\':

Firstly, pretty much every RFID tag will IDENTIFY itself. That is function one. 

Secondly, some tags will store DATA. That is function two. 

The \'details\' revolve around how it does those two things - is it blindly spitting out an ID and/or DATA, or is there some security or other command structure built around it?

That\'s the simple view, and if you want the longer, more detailed explanation, there are entire volumes written about it.

The \'details\' can run into hundreds of pages, so I\'m not going to even start.

