
原文链接 Java并发编程线程协作两种方式:wait、notify、notifyAll和Condition





/** * Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's * monitor. If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them * is chosen to be awakened. The choice is arbitrary and occurs at * the discretion of the implementation. A thread waits on an object's * monitor by calling one of the wait methods */ public final native void notify(); /** * Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. A * thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of the * wait methods. */ public final native void notifyAll(); /** * Causes the current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the * {@link java.lang.Object#notify()} method or the * {@link java.lang.Object#notifyAll()} method for this object, or a * specified amount of time has elapsed. * <p> * The current thread must own this object's monitor. */ public final native void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException;

