SDFS Using Modify Guide

Author: Tinoryj

Documentation List of SDFS Official Guide & Docs

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Related Documentation

GitLab : SDFS System Research Report

System Environment

Ubuntu 14.04.5

On VMware Fusion 11.0 For macOS

standalone install function

IDEA 2018.1

Modify Aims

Output Chunks process Order after Chunking & before in file deduplication

Output Chunks process Order after in file deduplication & before between files deduplication

Output Chunks process Order when the chunk going to store in the disk.

Install SDFS In Standalone Model

This install could be overwritten by installing the deb package again.

Step 1: Jump to the position where SDFS's deb package store. Step 2: Install SDFS and dependencies sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2 ssh openssh-server jsvc libxml2-utils sudo dpkg -i sdfs-version.deb Step 3: Change the maximum number of open files allowed echo "* hard nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf echo "* soft nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf Build SDFS Basic Environment for Package

To package this system, the following dependencies need to install.

Maven - Java Package Manage Tool

To install Maven, JDK is needed.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Using the following command to check the java environment.

java -version

If install success, the following message will be output.

openjdk version "1.8.0_01-internal" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_01-internal-b04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.40-b08, mixed mode)

Then install Maven and verify success.

sudo apt-get install maven mvn -version FPM - Packages Creator

Install by apt-get & gem(ruby).

sudo apt-get install ruby-dev build-essential sudo gem install fpm Build System deb Package Modify

In order to create the deb package, using modified shell script in /install-packages/.

export JAVA_HOME= VERSION=3.7.8 DEBFILE="sdfs_${VERSION}_amd64.deb" echo $DEBFILE sudo rm -rf deb/usr/share/sdfs/lib/* cd ../ mvn package cd install-packages sudo cp ../target/lib/b2-2.0.3.jar deb/usr/share/sdfs/lib/ sudo cp ../target/sdfs-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar deb/usr/share/sdfs/lib/sdfs.jar echo sudo rm *.deb sudo rm deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo rm deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo rm deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo cp DEBIAN/ deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo cp DEBIAN/ deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo cp DEBIAN/ deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ sudo cp ../src/readme.txt deb/usr/share/sdfs/ sudo fpm -s dir -t deb -n sdfs -v $VERSION -C deb/ -d fuse -d libxml2 -d libxml2-utils --vendor datishsystems --deb-no-default-config-files

The key point for build deb package is adding --deb-no-default-config-files to fpm input in line 22.

Add jre Package

The origin build package doesn't contains jre package in /install-packages/deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/ (because of .gitignore rules).

So you may need to install the official version first and copy /usr/share/sdfs/bin/jre to your repo's /install-packages/deb/usr/share/sdfs/bin/(The upload jre package may broken or not suitable fo your environment).

Modify pom.xml for Maven Project

In line 268 & 269, the two paths may cause mvn package errors.

change ./script to /src/script

create ./test/java file in sdfs project.

After modify, the two line seems like that:

<scriptSourceDirectory>./scripts</scriptSourceDirectory> <testSourceDirectory>./test/java</testSourceDirectory> Build and Install

By the following commands to build your SDFS deb package and install it.

cd ./install-packages sudo ./ sudo dpkg -i sdfs_3.7.8_amd64.deb

Step 3(line 3) could use for any times by overwriting the old installation.

The first time to build the deb package may take a long time to download needed packages by maven, all the packages will store into ~/.m2/. Then you could build the package quickly by avoiding download again.

Modify SDFS Files Important Data Struct Finger

This data struct is almost same with normal chunk data struct in CD-Store and REED.
It's implemented in, the most import datas in that struct is shown below:

private static final byte[] k = new byte[HashFunctionPool.hashLength]; public byte[] chunk; // chunk's logic data public byte[] hash; // chunk's hash fingerprint public InsertRecord hl; public int start; // start position in single file public int len; // chunk logic size public int ap; public boolean noPersist; public AsyncChunkWriteActionListener l; public int claims = -1; // Times the chunk appears in the file public String lookupFilter = null; public String uuid = null; // The file containing the chunk HashLocPair

The data structure is an intermediate structure of chunk processing. It's implemented in, the most import data in that struct is shown below:

public class HashLocPair implements Comparable<HashLocPair>, Externalizable { public static final int BAL = HashFunctionPool.hashLength + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4; public byte[] hash; // chunk's hash fingerprint public byte[] hashloc; // hashed position public byte[] data; // chunk's logic data public int len; // chunk's logic data size public int pos; public int offset; public int nlen; private boolean dup = false; public boolean inserted = false; The way to get chunks

The default way to get chunk is based on Rabin Fingerprint, it also could be setting into fixed-size chunking by edit XML setting files.

