将句子表示为向量(上):无监督句子表示学习(sentence embedding) (5)

给读到这里的朋友点个赞,下一篇将介绍如何利用有监督学习来训练sentence embedding,我的github仓库https://github.com/llhthinker/NLP-Papers包含了近年来深度学习在NLP各领域应用的优秀论文、代码资源以及论文笔记,欢迎大家star~


Le and Mikolov - 2014 - Distributed representations of sentences and documents

Li and Hovy - 2014 - A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation

Kiros et al. - 2015 - Skip-Thought Vectors

Hill et al. - 2016 - Learning Distributed Representations of Sentences from Unlabelled Data

Arora et al. - 2016 - A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for sentence embeddings

Pagliardini et al. - 2017 - Unsupervised Learning of Sentence Embeddings using Compositional n-Gram Features

Logeswaran et al. - 2018 - An efficient framework for learning sentence representations

