Builder(In Test)建造者模式是什么 Normal Pattern public class Employee { public Employee(int id, string firstname, string lastname, DateTime birthdate, string street) { this.ID = id; this.FirstName = firstname; this.LastName = lastname; this.BirthDate = birthdate; this.Street = street; } public int ID { get; private set; } public string FirstName { get; private set; } public string LastName { get; private set; } public DateTime BirthDate { get; private set; } public string Street { get; private set; } public string getFullName() { return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName; } public int getAge() { DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int age = today.Year - BirthDate.Year; if (BirthDate > today.AddYears(-age)) age--; return age; } }
All values are passed in in the constructor
All properties are read-only (at least from outside of this class)
Methods provide access to calculated values (getFullName and getAge)
The Builder Pattern & The Factory Pattern工厂方法模式注重的是整体对象的创建方法,而建造者模式注重的是部件构建的过程,旨在通过一步一步地精确构造创建出一个复杂的对象。
更加的Flexible and expressive
The Builder Pattern 建造者模式应用案例:麦当劳套餐基本上都是以一个汉堡和一杯饮料组成套餐。
public class EmployeeBuilder { private int id = 1; private string firstname = "first"; private string lastname = "last"; private DateTime birthdate = DateTime.Today; private string street = "street"; public Employee Build() { return new Employee(id, firstname, lastname, birthdate, street); } public EmployeeBuilder WithFirstName(string firstname) { this.firstname = firstname; return this; } public EmployeeBuilder WithLastName(string lastname) { this.lastname = lastname; return this; } public EmployeeBuilder WithBirthDate(DateTime birthdate) { this.birthdate = birthdate; return this; } public EmployeeBuilder WithStreet(string street) { this.street = street; return this; } public static implicit operator Employee(EmployeeBuilder instance) { return instance.Build(); } } The resulting unit tests public class EmployeeTest { [Test] public void GetFullNameReturnsCombination() { // Arrange Employee emp = new EmployeeBuilder().WithFirstName("Kenneth") .WithLastName("Truyers"); // Act string fullname = emp.getFullName(); // Assert Assert.That(fullname, Is.EqualTo("Kenneth Truyers")); } [Test] public void GetAgeReturnsCorrectValue() { // Arrange Employee emp = new EmployeeBuilder().WithBirthDate(new DateTime(1983, 1,1)); // Act int age = emp.getAge(); // Assert Assert.That(age, Is.EqualTo(DateTime.Today.Year - 1983)); } } 工厂模式定义一个创建对象的接口,让其子类自己决定实例化哪一个工厂类,工厂模式使其创建过程延迟到子类进行。
public class ProductFactory { public static Product produce(String productName) throws Exception { switch (productName) { case "tv": return new Tv(); case "car": return new Car(); default: throw new Exception("没有该产品"); } } }测试方法:
try { ProductFactory.produce("car"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } 其他参考参考
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