openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

这是从DVD光盘安装openSUSE 11.0的图解教程。对于绝大多数用户来说这是一个最基本的安装openSUSE 11.0的步骤。


将您的openSUSE光盘放置到驱动器里,并重新启动计算机。在重启之后,你将会看到的启动画面boot screen

Place your openSUSE disc in the drive, and reboot your computer. Upon rebooting, you should encounter the boot screen.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

选择 安装Installation然后等待openSUSE的安装和配置程序YaST加载。


Choose Installation and wait for YaST, the openSUSE installation and configuration program, to load.


Yast将呈现在你的屏幕上。所有YaST的页面遵循相同的界面:在左侧的菜单显示您安装进展,在主画面显示不同的功能,并且位于底部有相同的 帮助, 中止,返回 和 下一步 按钮。

YaST will present you with the screen. All YaST pages follow the same interface: a list of where you are in the installation on the left, different functions in the main screen, and Help, Back, Abort, and Next buttons at the bottom.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

在此画面选择您的语言。键盘布局是自动设定取决于语言。如果您的键盘布局是不同于 YaST 所选择,返回并自行设定来纠正它。 此外,您需要接受许可协议。单击 查看许可证,将展开 许可协议。 一旦你接受许可,单击下一步。

Choose your language in this screen. The keyboard layout is set automatically depending upon the language. If your keyboard layout is different from the one chosen by YaST, go ahead and correct it.

Also, you'll need to accept the license agreement. To expand the license agreement, click Show License. Once you accept the license, click Next.


