openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)(3)


在这里,您可以选择您想安装openSUSE包含中的三个桌面环境之一。请记住,这只是最初的选择。稍后在安装过程中或甚至在您安装完成后,您可以继续添加gnome ,其他的KDE ,甚至更多如xfce 一样X窗口管理器。

Here you can select which of the three desktop environments openSUSE includes you wish to install. Keep in mind this is just for the initial selection. Later in the installation process or even after you install, you can add GNOME, the other KDE, and even more X window managers like XFCE.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)


Since the choice is highly personal, we don't give a recommendation.

事关个人品位,我们不予以推荐 :)


现在yast将设立您的硬盘驱动器的设置。如果您有其他的操作系统安装在电脑上(例如, Microsoft Windows或其他Linux),YaST 将调整该操作系统的空间,以便它仍然在您的计算机上,并且有足够的空间安装openSUSE 11.0 。

Now YaST will set up your hard drive settings. If you have another operating system installed on the computer (for example, Microsoft Windows or another Linux), YaST will resize that operating system so that it still on your computer, but has enough room to install openSUSE 11.0.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

YaST提出设置应该适合大多数用户。如果您想要编辑建议的设置,单击编辑分区设置... 。如果您想要重新整个安装程序为自己的设置,单击创建分区设置... 。 如果您想要保留的建议设置,单击下一步

YaST should propose settings that will satisfy most users. If you want to edit the proposed settings, click Edit Partition Setup.... If you'd like to redo the entire setup for your own settings, click Create Partition Setup.... If you want to keep the proposed settings, click Next.

