openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)(4)



Now you'll need to set up a user account for the primary user of the computer.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

输入您的全名,用户名(这是自动选择:如果您愿意您可以变更名称) ,和一个密码。

Enter your full name, a username (which is automatically chosen: you can change the name if you wish), and a password.


By default, the system is set so your password is the password of the system administrator (also known as root). Also, automatic login is turned on as well, which logs you into your computer automatically upon turning it on. You can uncheck these options for more security if you wish.


现在呈现在你面前的是安装的介绍。这些都是接下来 YaST 将为您的系统安装的细节

Now you are presented with the overview of the installation. These are the details to what YaST is going to do to your system upon installation.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

要改变这些细节,选择 标题的选项 ,或选择更改...如图所示的菜单。

To change these details, select the headline of the option or choose it in the Change... menu as shown.

