openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)(6)

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)


After the installation is complete, the computer will reboot.


系统重新启动到您的新openSUSE11.0系统之后,安装就完成。 不过,之前您开始进入您的桌面之前,它必须运行自动配置来您的硬件和网络连接。

After the system has rebooted into your new openSUSE 11.0 system, the installation is over. However, before you can start your desktop, it must run a one-time automatic configuration of your hardware and network connection.

openSUSE 11.0光盘安装图解教程(DVD版)

顾名思义,它是自动的。 在这里您不必做任何事情 。(可能要点击几下-_-#)

As it's name suggests, it's automatic. You don't have to do anything here.


openSUSE 11.0 已经安装好了!一旦您登录后,迎接您将是openSUSE的greeter,还有各种信息关于openSUSE就资讯科技,您将被导向到设立您的在线更新系统。

openSUSE 11.0 is now installed! Once you login, you'll be greeted by the openSUSE Greeter with all sorts of information about openSUSE on it, and you'll be directed to setting up your online update system.

