【计算机视觉】图像处理与计算机视觉基础,经典以及最近发展 (12)

[2011 IJCV] Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors and Feature Descriptors

14. Feature Matching Fua课题组在今年PAMI上的一篇文章,感觉还不错

[2012 PAMI] LDAHash Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors

15. Harris 虽然过去了很多年,Harris角点检测仍然广泛使用,而且基于它有很多变形。如果仔细看了这种方法,从直观也可以感觉到这是一种很稳健的方法。

[1988 Harris] A combined corner and edge detector

16. Histograms of Oriented Gradients HoG方法也在OpenCV中实现了:HOGDescriptor。

[2005 CVPR] Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection


17. Image Distance

[1993 PAMI] Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance

18. Image Stitching 图像拼接,另一个相关的词是Panoramic。在Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications一书中,有专门一章是讨论这个问题。这里的两面文章一篇是综述,一篇是这方面很经典的文章。

[2006 Fnd] Image Alignment and Stitching A Tutorial

[2007 IJCV] Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features

19. KLT KLT跟踪算法,基于Lucas-Kanade提出的配准算法。除了三篇很经典的文章,最后一篇给出了OpenCV实现KLT的细节。

[1981] An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision full version

[1994 CVPR] Good Features to Track

[2004 IJCV] Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On A Unifying Framework

Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker OpenCV

20. Local Binary Pattern LBP。OpenCV的Cascade分类器也支持LBP,用来取代Haar特征。

[2002 PAMI] Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns

[2004 ECCV] Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns

[2006 PAMI] Face Description with Local Binary Patterns

[2011 TIP] Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features

21. Low-Level Vision 关于Low level vision的两篇很不错的文章

[1998 TIP] A general framework for low level vision

[2000 IJCV] Learning Low-Level Vision

22. Mean Shift 均值漂移算法,在跟踪中非常流行的方法。Comaniciu在这个方面做出了重要的贡献。最后三篇,一篇是CVIU上的top download文章,一篇是最新的PAMI上关于Mean Shift的文章,一篇是OpenCV实现的文章。

[1995 PAMI] Mean shift, mode seeking, and clustering

[2002 PAMI] Mean shift a robust approach toward feature space analysis

[2003 CVPR] Mean-shift blob tracking through scale space

[2009 CVIU] Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift

[2012 PAMI] Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics

OpenCV Computer Vision Face Tracking For Use in a Perceptual User Interface

23. MSER 这篇文章发表在2002年的BMVC上,后来直接录用到2004年的IVC上,内容差不多。MSER在Sonka的书里面也有提到。

[2002 BMVC] Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions

[2003] MSER Author Presentation

[2004 IVC] Robust wide-baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions

[2011 PAMI] Are MSER Features Really Interesting

24. Object Detection 首先要说的是第一篇文章的作者,Kah-Kay Sung。他是MIT的博士,后来到新加坡国立任教,极具潜力的一个老师。不幸的是,他和他的妻子都在2000年的新加坡空难中遇难,让人唏嘘不已。


[1998 PAMI] Example-based learning for view-based human face detection

[2003 IJCV] Learning the Statistics of People in Images and Video

[2011 PAMI] Learning to Detect a Salient Object

