【计算机视觉】图像处理与计算机视觉基础,经典以及最近发展 (7)

[2008 TIP] Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal

2. Color 如果对颜色的形成有一定的了解,能比较深刻的理解一些算法。这方面推荐冈萨雷斯的数字图像处理中的相关章节以及Sharma在Digital Color Imaging Handbook中的第一章“Color fundamentals for digital imaging”。跟颜色相关的知识包括Gamma,颜色空间转换,颜色索引以及肤色模型等,这其中也包括著名的EMD。

[1991 IJCV] Color Indexing

[2000 IJCV] The Earth Mover\'s Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval

[2001 PAMI] Color invariance

[2002 IJCV] Statistical Color Models with Application to Skin Detection

[2003] A review of RGB color spaces

[2007 PR]A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods



3. Compression and Encoding 个人以为图像压缩编码并不是当前很热的一个话题,原因前面已经提到过。这里可以看看一篇对编码方面的展望文章

[2005 IEEE] Trends and perspectives in image and video coding

4. Contrast Enhancement 对比度增强一直是图像处理中的一个恒久话题,一般来说都是基于直方图的,比如直方图均衡化。冈萨雷斯的书里面对这个话题讲的比较透彻。这里推荐几篇个人认为不错的文章。

[2002 IJCV] Vision and the Atmosphere

[2003 TIP] Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform

[2006 TIP] Gray-level grouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrast enhancement-part II

[2006 TIP] Gray-level grouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrast Enhancement-part I

[2007 TIP] Transform Coefficient Histogram-Based Image Enhancement Algorithms Using Contrast Entropy

[2009 TIP] A Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement

5. Deblur (Restoration) 图像恢复或者图像去模糊一直是一个非常难的问题,尤其是盲图像恢复。港中文的jiaya jia老师在这方面做的不错,他在主页也给出了可执行文件。这方面的内容也建议看冈萨雷斯的书。这里列出了几篇口碑比较好的文献,包括古老的Richardson-Lucy方法,几篇盲图像恢复的综述以及最近的几篇文章,尤以Fergus和Jiaya Jia的为经典。

[1972] Bayesian-Based Iterative Method of Image Restoration

[1974] an iterative technique for the rectification of observed distributions

[1990 IEEE] Iterative methods for image deblurring

[1996 SPM] Blind Image Deconvolution

[1997 SPM] Digital image restoration

[2005] Digital Image Reconstruction - Deblurring and Denoising

[2006 Siggraph] Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph

[2008 Siggraph] High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image

[2011 PAMI] Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path

6. Dehazing and Defog 严格来说去雾化也算是图像对比度增强的一种。这方面最近比较好的工作就是He kaiming等提出的Dark Channel方法。这篇论文也获得了2009的CVPR 最佳论文奖。2这位003年的广东高考状元已经于2011年从港中文博士毕业加入MSRA(估计当时也就二十五六岁吧),相当了不起。

[2008 Siggraph] Single Image Dehazing

[2009 CVPR] Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

[2011 PAMI] Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

7. Denoising 图像去噪也是图像处理中的一个经典问题,在数码摄影中尤其重要。主要的方法有基于小波的方法和基于偏微分方程的方法。

[1992 SIAM] Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion. II

[1992 SIAM] Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion

[1992] Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms

[1994 SIAM] Signal and image restoration using shock filters and anisotropic diffusion

[1995 TIT] De-noising by soft-thresholding

[1998 TIP] Orientation diffusions

[2000 TIP] Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression

[2000 TIP] Fourth-order partial differential equations for noise removal

[2001] Denoising through wavelet shrinkage

[2002 TIP] The Curvelet Transform for Image Denoising

[2003 TIP] Noise removal using fourth-order partial differential equation with applications to medical magnetic resonance images in space and time

[2008 PAMI] Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image

