【计算机视觉】图像处理与计算机视觉基础,经典以及最近发展 (13)

[2012 PAMI] A Real-Time Deformable Detector

25. Object Tracking 跟踪也是计算机视觉中的经典问题。粒子滤波,卡尔曼滤波,KLT,mean shift,光流都跟它有关系。这里列出的是传统意义上的跟踪,尤其值得一看的是2008的Survey和2003年的Kernel based tracking。

[2003 PAMI] Kernel-based object tracking

[2007 PAMI] Tracking People by Learning Their Appearance

[2008 ACM] Object Tracking A Survey

[2008 PAMI] Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments

[2011 PAMI] Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition

[2011 PAMI] Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning

[2012 IJCV] PWP3D Real-Time Segmentation and Tracking of 3D Objects

26. OCR 一个非常成熟的领域,已经很好的商业化了。

[1992 IEEE] Historical review of OCR research and development

Video OCR A Survey and Practitioner\'s Guide

27. Optical Flow 光流法,视频分析所必需掌握的一种算法。

[1981 AI] Determine Optical Flow

[1994 IJCV] Performance of optical flow techniques

[1995 ACM] The Computation of Optical Flow

[2004 TR] Tutorial Computing 2D and 3D Optical Flow

[2005 BOOK] Optical Flow Estimation

[2008 ECCV] Learning Optical Flow

[2011 IJCV] A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow

28. Particle Filter 粒子滤波,主要给出的是综述以及1998 IJCV上的关于粒子滤波发展早期的经典文章。

[1998 IJCV] CONDENSATION—Conditional Density Propagation for Visual Tracking

[2002 TSP] A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking

[2002 TSP] Particle filters for positioning, navigation, and tracking

[2003 SPM] particle filter

29. Pedestrian and Human detection 仍然是综述类,关于行人和人体的运动检测和动作识别。

[1999 CVIU] Visual analysis of human movement_ A survey

[2001 CVIU] A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture

[2005 TIP] Image change detection algorithms a systematic survey

[2006 CVIU] a survey of avdances in vision based human motion capture

[2007 CVIU] Vision-based human motion analysis An overview

[2007 IJCV] Pedestrian Detection via Periodic Motion Analysis

[2007 PR] A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods

[2010 IVC] A survey on vision-based human action recognition

[2012 PAMI] Pedestrian Detection An Evaluation of the State of the Art

30. Scene Classification 当相机越来越傻瓜化的时候,自动场景识别就非常重要。这是比拼谁家的Auto功能做的比较好的时候了。

[2001 IJCV] Modeling the Shape of the Scene A Holistic Representation of the Spatial Envelope

[2001 PAMI] Visual Word Ambiguity

[2007 PAMI] A Thousand Words in a Scene

[2010 PAMI] Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition

[2011 PAMI] CENTRIST A Visual Descriptor for Scene Categorization

31. Shadow Detection

[2003 PAMI] Detecting moving shadows-- algorithms and evaluation

32. Shape 关于形状,主要是两个方面:形状的表示和形状的识别。形状的表示主要是从边缘或者区域当中提取不变性特征,用来做检索或者识别。这方面Sonka的书讲的比较系统。2008年的那篇综述在这方面也讲的不错。至于形状识别,最牛的当属J Malik等提出的Shape Context。


[1993 PR] Pattern Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants


[2001 SMI] Shape matching similarity measures and algorithms

[2002 PAMI] Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts

[2004 PR] Review of shape representation and description techniques

[2006 PAMI] Integral Invariants for Shape Matching

